Vice City Market - FAQ

Vice City Market is a relatively old darknet market, which in the eyes of its users is characterized as a continuation of TradeRoute and having much more traditional roots in its policies and functions than any other market currently.

No, Vice City Market is coded without JavaScript elements to provide the desired level of security and reduce risks for its users.

Having an account on Vice City Market is mandatory.

Yes, the ability to protect your account with 2-factor authentication is available to every Vice City Market user.

Payment is available using Standard Escrow and MultiSignature 2 of 3.

There are no restrictions, you can top up your account with any desired amount.

Vice City Market currently needs 3 confirmations to deposit deposits.

Yes, it is possible, it all depends on whether you have experience in other markets or you are a beginner, in the first case it will be free for you, in the second case an advance payment will be required.

Commissions for withdrawing funds to Vice City Market are selective out of three possible ones, these are: Low Bitcoin Fees (2.08 USD Slow 0-24h), Normal Bitcoin Fees (3.47 USD 0-6hours), High Bitcoin Fees (4.86 USD Fast 0-1h).

Of course, reviews and the overall rating of the store or its product are available for each user to review.

Yes, Vice City Market rewards those who can find fatal errors in the system. They can be shared with the team via the support page.