How to Change Your PIN Code on Vice City Market?

If you think that your PIN code is not reliable enough or for some other reason you want to change it but do not know how to do it, read this step-by-step guide and everything will become clear to you.

Here's how to change your pin code on Vice City Market:

The First Step - Beginning

Go to the "Account settings" page located at the URL: vicecdk6ibwtt37odce27fmhusg7mti3m7d3m5qhnqt2lv7queixz4id.onion/?page=account

Guide Pic 1

The Second Step - Middle

On the "Account settings" page, fill in the input fields associated with the "Change PIN" section: Old PIN, New PIN, Confirm new PIN.

Guide Pic 2

The Third Step - End

Complete the process of changing the old PIN code and apply the changes by clicking on the Change PIN button, after completing this action you can use the new PIN code as the main one.

Guide Pic 3